Be prepared to spend some time on applying for scholarships. Start collecting reference letters during your high school years for volunteer work. Your training and education will cost money, but you may be eligible for scholarships, bursaries, and grants to help you pay for school. Scholarships aren’t just for students with top grades. You can get scholarships for things like leadership, sports, volunteering, or membership with specific groups. The Government of Alberta provides detailed information on the process of applying for scholarships.
There are many additional scholarship opportunities hosted as databases by various organizations. The Alberta government provides a curated list for students to further research. Scroll through the link below to find the desired section.
How to Apply for Scholarships and Bursaries
Scholarship Sources
1. Ardrossan Jr. Sr. High School Awards Program
All current Grade 12 High School students are eligible to participate in our school based awards program. With the support of community and corporate sponsorship, students can earn recognition for outstanding citizenship, volunteerism, athletic and academic achievements. Beginning in the spring of each year (March), students can complete the In-House Awards application process. Forms have not yet been updated for the current school year.
AJS In House Awards and Scholarships 2025
2. Post-Secondary Institutions
Alberta Post-Secondary Institutions Scholarships
3. Government
The government of Alberta encourages and rewards the excellence of Alberta students through the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship program. Check out current information including deadlines and eligibility.
Alexander Rutherford Scholarship
The Alberta Scholarships listing contains scholarships and awards sponsored by the Government of Alberta and administered by Student Aid Alberta. This listing is hosted on the Student Aid Alberta website.
Alberta Scholarships Listing
4. Clubs, Companies, Service or Cultural organizations, and Unions you and your family belong to.
Additional Scholarship Opportunities
Josephburg Agricultural Society Scholarship - Annually, the Josephburg Agricultural Society awards two $1000.00 scholarships; these awards are based equally on academic achievement and community involvement. In addition, a separate $1000 scholarship in memory of our long-standing Director and JAS volunteer, Doug Maschmeyer will be awarded. In all, three $1000 scholarships will be awarded.
Storwell Self Storage has re-launched their Foster Children Bursary and provide scholarships to foster children who are working on building a better life for themselves.
Storwell offers an annual bursary of $2,000 to support foster children as they pursue their post-secondary education and to help them as they progress into a new and exciting stage of their lives.
This is the direct link to the online application, which outlines all eligibility requirements:
Month-Month Local and National Scholarships - This document provides a variety of provincial and Canadian scholarships (some are Grade 9-11) organized by month deadlines.
Check out these websites for further scholarships sources: