Please view an outline of our course descriptions through all the grades.
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Please view an outline of our course descriptions through all the grades.
The Ardrossan Science department would like to welcome our students back to another exciting school year. Science students at Ardrossan have the opportunity to learn through a variety of hands-on activities and labs. Come explore the wonders of Science with the Ardrossan Science department!
The following are just a few of the exciting activities Science students at Ardrossan can look forward to.
Grade 7 students investigate how particular adaptations of animals affect what they eat.
Biology 20 students at Ardrossan have the exciting opportunity to participate in a one-of-a-kind science field study. The award-winning RiverWatch Science Program transports students in large inflatable rafts to study water quality along a section of the North Saskatchewan River. The rafts are floating laboratories equipped with science kits to sample water chemistry and collect aquatic insects.
The focus of the day is to determine the environmental health of our river by comparing conditions above and below a waste water treatment plant. Students power the rafts and collect all the science data. A mid-way tour of the local waste water treatment plant helps focus attention on the personal impact that we all have on Alberta’s water.
Being a Biologist is hard work, but somebody's got to do it!
Science 7 students conduct a field study of both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems to investigate biological diversity. What a nice day to study ecology!
Science 9 Students are building microcircuits. In Unit D: Electrical Principles and Technologies, students will have the opportunity to take part in many electrifying labs and activities. You will be shocked by how fun Science can be!
Biology 30 students extract DNA from a Kiwi. Pretty cool!
Ardrossan Jr-Sr High School welcomed Dr. Lucio Gelmini, an award winning Chemistry instructor from MacEwan University. Dr. Gelmini presented a series of dynamic and educational chemistry demonstrations for all grade nine Science students. He has visited our school each year, for several years now. Proceeds from his presentations go to the Alberta Cancer Foundation.
Physics 20 students build and launch model rockets to explore Newton's laws of motion.
Physics 20 Students show off their model rockets as they prepare for launch.
Physics 20 students investigate speed and acceleration. Later in the semester they will travel to West Edmonton Mall Galaxyland to experience these concepts first hand.
Just another day in the Chemistry lab.
Precision and attention to detail are key qualities of a good chemist.
Biology 20 students study the anatomy of a fetal pig at the end of the Human Body Systems unit.
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