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Chatterhigh Pilot Project

Throughout Semester 2, Ardrossan Jr. Sr. High is one of six schools within the Division piloting ChatterHigh—piloted in the junior high Health classes and senior high CALM classes. ChatterHigh is an online platform designed to help schools engage with families about ways to support their child in preparing for life after senior high—in terms of career planning and life-skills preparation.

ChatterHigh comes with college and career exploration activities, well-being, social and emotional learning, and other regionally specific supplemental curriculum. The platform also boasts a gamified seek-and-find activity that helps expand awareness, foster hope and prepare learners for life after high school. There’s also a daily career exploration quiz that guides students through college and university websites to build knowledge of the possibilities, capture interests and spark conversation. The daily quiz takes approximately 10 minutes. Each quiz asks students a new set of questions and becomes more personalized over time.

Students will complete the daily quiz at school on the days they have Health or CALM. Additionally, because this is a digital platform, students can also complete the daily quiz independently. Over time, the quizzes help learners develop a personalized interest profile and discover new and exciting career options. Students can then use the information to research education and career pathways and learn tips to support career-development course work and decisions after senior high. Overall, the daily quiz will create a learning environment, exposing students to all families of majors, and aid them in exploring areas of interest.

In June, the Division will review the pilot’s success and determine how to potentially expand it to more schools next year.

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53129 Range Road 222
Ardrossan , AB T8E 2M8

Phone: 780-922-2228


8:30am - 4:00pm