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Canadian Parents for French (CPF) Membership

You and your family can join our network of supports and resources for youth, parents, and educators such as:

  • Funding support French school events and materials
  • Tutoring Programs
  • Virtual Career Fair
  • Contests
  • FSL Information Sessions
  • Learning French Lessons
  • Webinars
  • FSL Classroom Presentations
  • Conferences
  • and more!

Memberships cost $25.00 year per household or $60.00 for a three year membership.

Ardrossan Chapter is hosting our next virtual meeting on November 15 at 7 p.m. Check the school calendar for the link to attend. Parents and teachers welcome!

Go online to get more information, become a member, or renew your membership.

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53129 Range Road 222
Ardrossan , AB T8E 2M8

Phone: 780-922-2228


8:30am - 4:00pm